Once you're done with this recipe, you'll want to eat it up with a spoon, forget about the pasta and eat more for lunch the next day. Feed it to your boyfriend before they go out and play sports and they will be on adrenaline! Here's what you need to do to get your (and your man's) taste buds going:
- 1 1/2 table spoon of olive oil
- 1 large yellow onion
- 2-3 cloves of garlic
- 1 lb ground beef (you can substitute this with turkey or half turkey and half beef)
- 1 yellow or orange pepper (or both, or a different colour. Whichever one you prefer really)
- mushroom (as many as you want, I usually take about half of those white mushroom boxes)
- 1 large celeri stem
- 1 large carrot
- 1 medium can of Aylmer Tomato Soup (sometimes I use a can of diced tomatoes, but the soup tastes better)
- 1 small can of tomato paste (preferrably plain - without any added spices)
- 3/4 table spoon of oregano
- 3/4 table spoon of thyme
- salt and pepper to taste
- Chop your onions is small pieces and caramelize them in the olive oil in a large pot on medium-high heat. Add your crushed garlic into the pan and stir.
- Add your meat to the onion mix and stir to make sure that all the meat cooks well.
- Cut up all your vegetables and add them to the meat/onion mixture. Stir for another 2-3 minutes. *Note: it's easier if your vegetables are prepped beforehand, but I often simply chop them while the meat is cooking.
- Add your tomato paste and tomato soup. Stir well for the sauce to cover the entire mixture.
- Add your oregano, thyme, salt and pepper. Stir very well.
- Cover and let simmer for at least 2 hours (longer if you have time). Stir once in a while.
Enjoy and feel free to play around with this recipe!! Let me know how it turns out! :D
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